Tag Archives: corporate social responsibility

New funding opportunity

The Vulnerable and Disengaged Young People Fund, a new funding stream through the Cabinet Office Centre for Social Action, has up to £2m to help grow ambitious social action programmes to support England’s most vulnerable young people. It will be administered by the Social Investment Business on behalf of the Cabinet Office.


Organisations can apply for a development, evidence or scale-up grant from 8 November until 6 December 2013.  Successful organisations will have a strong track record of reaching and creating positive impact for the most vulnerable young people as well as be able to demonstrate strong evidence of need.  Applications can come from the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, public bodies (for example Local Authorities) and businesses with a social mission or a clear objective in their corporate social responsibility policy towards increasing social action, or businesses involved in the delivery of public service.


The grants will fund work with young offenders, young people in care or leaving care, and other groups of disengaged and vulnerable young people.

The Fund will focus on improving the outcomes of society’s most vulnerable young people, including academic performance, work outcomes, reducing reoffending and improving health outcomes.  It will consider proposals from social action based projects supporting young people as well as those that involve social action opportunities for young people.   Applicants can either apply for funding for new projects or to further develop existing programmes.


Applicants will be able to attend one of four workshops in London and the north of England in November 2013 to help them make the most of the application process.


More information on the Vulnerable and Disengaged Young People Grant Fund including criteria and how to apply is available at www.sibgroup.org.uk/youth.